Conscience Within......

Where the hunger of the soul satiates by knowledge, wholeness and consciousness.

Moksham describes its own terminology till we start to experience the same. Where there is no rule, no school, no master, no guide, no religion, no belief system, no race, the freedom for living starts. How a small child opens its eye to the world, a little flower begins to bloom, a seed germinates, there is always a surprise to look at. As the Simple form of living explains the need for food, shelter and fabric, Moksham believes with courage to form and experiment in an alternative way.

With an idea of an off-grid village with a combination of sustainability and sufficiency, Moksham is bonded with 5 strong and significant energies. Such as Meditation & Yoga, Medicinal ceremonies, Eco living & healthy food, Self-sufficiency, Nature conservation.

Upcoming Events

The Six Pillars


Silence & Self Awareness

Silence is the Heartbeat of the Moksham community life. Through daily Silent Sittings, Silent Retreats, and Self Awareness, a precious opportunity is given to meet with the truth within and surrender to the beauty of the present moment.

Emotional Healing

Therapy Groups

The Emotional Healing Groups focus on going into the depths of one's being and cleaning out old emotions and suppressed feelings.
Through healing the wounds of the past, it is possible to live more fully in the present moment.

Physical Rejuvenation

Yoga and Body Cleanse

The Body Cleanse programs provide specific guidelines on how to create a healthy lifestyle, while detoxifying the body and cleaning the colon and the liver. Yoga practice is an important part of life in Moksham with many opportunities to practice, from daily yoga classes, to a month-long Yoga Intense Training.

Red Road

Ancestral Medicinal Wisdom

The Red Road is an understanding of the connection all beings share and the traditional ways of the Indigenous ancestors of this continent. Through celebrating and honoring creation in sacred medicines, dances and ceremonies, all will be part of a universal family.


Biodiversity and Sustainability

An ecosystem is a complex set of relationships. Everything that lives in an ecosytem is dependent on the other species and elements in the system. When there is biodiversity and everything is living in balance, an ecosystem is healthy, sustainable and capable of reproducing itself.

Musical Journeys

Spread your Wings

Gathering as a family to share, heal and sing on the wings of musical masterpieces each journey is a unique possibility to experience the medicine of divine vibration within the embrace of a loving community.

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