Conscience Within......

Where the hunger of the soul satiates by knowledge, wholeness and consciousness.

Moksham describes its own terminology till we start to experience the same. Where there is no rule, no school, no master, no guide, no religion, no belief system, no race, the freedom for living starts. How a small child opens its eye to the world, a little flower begins to bloom, a seed germinates, there is always a surprise to look at. As the Simple form of living explains the need for food, shelter and fabric, Moksham believes with courage to form and experiment in an alternative way.

With an idea of an off-grid village with a combination of sustainability and sufficiency, Moksham is bonded with 5 strong and significant energies. Such as Meditation & Yoga, Medicinal ceremonies, Eco living & healthy food, Self-sufficiency, Nature conservation.

Moksham was founded in 2020 by Sri and fellow travelers who responded to the invitation to manifest together a commune that embraces a new way of life.
We revive Moksham's vision of the ideal state and create a modern and luminous community where people experience security, self-sufficiency, freedom and belonging.In the past this land was used as a cattle farm, without electricity, water system, roads or any living space. There are plans to allow the village to grow continuously as more spiritual seekers, individuals or families, hear the call and want to enjoy the experience of Moksham on a more permanent basis by putting down their roots here.
The Moksham Experience is a profound journey into the depth of one's being. It is designed to challenge and to embrace. It dares one to experience the depth of life in its totality, be it laughter or tears, the liveliness of togetherness or the silence of aloneness. It is a platform of Transformation.

"Moksham is a place intended to

Gather like-minded people,
To create a platform where people can find the most adapted tools for their situation,
To find a sustainable support throughout everyday life,
To organize activities and developing tools with the purpose to enhance personal, self exploration and social development (collective consciousness) and growth,
To educate and empower people through services, events, workshops that expand awareness and help people in their discovery process with the immutable laws of nature,
To facilitate experiencial games to unite and share safe spaces,
To create safe environment for all beings.

This project is very important to us as we are highly enthusiastic on creating a long-term pedagogical program with strong visionary mentorship in order to favor resilience and sustainable solutions in respect of Mother Earth."


To bring shades of humanity

To share layers of emotions

Understand nature through senses

Ecological awareness

Food Security


Alternative education

We all have emerged as the most intelligent beings on this planet. But it is always about people, their opinion, judgements, jealousy, wars and battles. What if we stop being too cerebral and come down to a united feeling of togetherness. There is no hatred, no inferiority, no struggle and no judgements. We can grow as a community, where we can nourish our mind with knowledge, enrich our soul with nature and nurture each other.

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