March 8, 2023 - March 13, 2023


A body cleanse retreat is an opportunity to deeply cleanse and detoxify the digestive system and flush away toxins and parasites. Living in Modern society, one is exposed to toxins every day; in the air, the water, and the food. Toxin accumulation in the gut causes a wide array of symptoms, including fatigue, skin problems, digestive problems, headaches, and many others.


It is recommended to detox regularly - once or twice yearly - depending on one's health. Cleansing is especially recommended when suffering from one or more of the following:

  • Chronic digestive issues
  • Reduced liver functions
  • Stiff and aching joints
  • Sore Muscles
  • Recurring Headaches and migraines
  • Persistent skin conditions
  • Low energy levels
  • Allergies
  • Melancholy and Depression
  • Insomnia and poor quality of sleep

A body cleanse is not only a physical process. Physical detoxification is often a precursor for a deep and meaningful emotional process in which old patterns may be reexamined and shed, especially those pertaining to one's relationship with one's body and with food.


Moksham is a unique place to experience a Body Cleanse Detox Retreat. It is an alternative, off-grid community located in a lush forest, dedicated to living a conscious life in harmony with nature. The meditative quality of the village and the support of the community which holds it, allow the body and colon detox process to become much more than a physical experience. Rather it is an initiation into a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with one's body, mind, and heart.

The fruits and veggies used to prepare the juices for the cleanse retreat are 100% organic. The juices are freshly pressed and made from ingredients and medicinal plants locally grown in Moksham whenever possible.

The food in the village's Moksham Cafe and Jungle Shop is organic and high-vibe, supporting a healthy transition in the days following completion of the colon cleanse and detox process.

This is a whole body cleanse; an opportunity to release physical and emotional build up, clearing toxins through juice fasting, cleansing the colon, a liver flush, daily yoga and movement activities, and a breathwork session.

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