This Moksham Intense Yoga Training is based on the modalities of Hatha and Vinyasa yoga. A journey through the elements, this training also serves to remember the ancient ways of the earth.

Offering practices outside the traditional boundaries of yoga one can connect with their own fluidity, passion, and strength. Connecting to the inner curiosity and trust gives a foundation to follow one's individual, unique path of yoga on and off the mat.

Moksham yoga instructor bring an approach that creates a field of deep exploration, opening ways for transformation, letting go of non-serving habits, and cultivating a deep inner listening to one's body and elemental wisdom.

Following different pathways through the physical practice and into the self will deepen the meeting with yoga as an art of living.


In addition to techniques and training of asana, anatomy/physiology, teaching methodologies, and yoga philosophy, other aspects of the training will include:

  • Map of the Elements - aligning with nature

  • The Subtle Body - connecting to the ways of the chakras

  • Flow & Movement - following impulses to meet the unexpected

  • Complementary Yoga Styles and Teachings : restorative yoga, partner yoga, prenatal yoga

  • Sound Exploration/Mantra Singing - connecting to the voice within

  • Habit Planting - inspiration to creativity and continuity

  • Conscious Touch - assisting with presence

  • Group Process - co-creation the process, living in community

  • Walking the Talk - yoga off the mat, emerging with nature

  • Self Inquiry - deepening the relationship to the self and body

  • Relaxation - arriving, softening into presence

  • Heart Medicine - nurture the connection to the heart space

Various forms of healing practices are used in this training to awaken authentic expression and connection to the inner landscape. This exploratory work includes:

  • Earth Rituals/Sweat Lodge

  • Authentic Movement/Dance

  • Somatic Practices

  • Various forms of Meditations

  • Breathwork

  • Conscious Communication

  • Sound Exploration/Cyclic Journey


Embraced by nature, held by the "power and foundation of the practice", this training ignites the ability to expand toward a deeply rooted practice, taking it off the mat and into daily life. Carrying that seed of curiosity will keep the path of guidance and teaching in yoga fresh and ever-evolving.

This in-depth training is much more than a yoga retreat. It is the path of yoga weaved within deep transformational healing work, earth rituals, community, movement culture and the garden of silence.

It supports the shift toward a sacred relation with the self, the other, and nature, deepening the trust toward the process and one's unique expression.

Embedded into the EcoVillage of Moksham, this residential Intense training will be supported by the unique expression of village life and the inspiration of a vibrant conscious community where people meet life in an authentic and sacred way.

This training is open to all yogis of different experience levels, including those who wish to deepen their practice and not necessarily become teachers themselves, for it will be a beautiful and profound journey of personal growth and transformation. The only requirement is enthusiasm for yoga and self-inquiry.

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