Moksham dedicated to developing research projects to help bring Sound Healing and Therapy more into the mainstream .

Music (Frequencies, timbres, intervals and chords over time)
Intervals and Chords (Many timbres)
Timbres (Many frequencies or harmonics)
This hierarchy can be found at every level of reality including not only sound, but also in light, color, geometry and the quantum field. It is also the basis of all Living Systems - including the body and the earth's ecosystems.
Based on the hierarchy of vibration, frequencies and timbres are components that make up a "flow". It is like frequencies are the particles that carry the flow of energy through a system. The frequency particles must be vibrating consistently in a coherent fashion in order to receive and transmit a smooth flow of energy. Therefore, at the frequency level, it is all about getting things "humming" consistently or coherent. Sometimes we breakup discordant or chaotic frequencies; sometimes we entrain or harmonize them back into a coherent, consistent state of vibration. Regardless, the ultimate goal is always to get back to "smooth flow". Smooth flow is the essence of health in the body - at every level physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
In the body, you could think of it like this:

Coherent Frequencies - Cells and Organs Vibrating at Stable Frequencies - There are types of frequency vibrations: Chaotic and Coherent. Chaotic vibrations can be created by physical toxins in our food and air, physical trauma, chaotic electromagnetism, and pain itself, to name a few. Chaotic vibrations can also be created by emotional toxins like fear, anger, anxiety, and stress, to name a few. Chaotic vibrations break the body down. They are not good for your heart, your nervous system, your organs, or any part of the body. On the other hand, Consistent and Coherent Vibrations not only don’t break the body down; they can actually heal the body.
When the body is healthy every single part of the body is naturally "humming" consistently.
You can either break up wayward frequencies with "destructive resonance" or resonate them back into their natural harmonic state.

Destructive resonance works by finding the natural resonant frequency of something, then turn the volume up until it explodes or disintegrates. This is exactly how ultrasound works on kidney stones and gallstones. They find the frequency of the stones and turn the volume up until it explodes - somewhat similar to exploding a wine glass. There is great YouTube video that shows and explains the science behind how this works in detail.

We can resonate parts of the body back into their natural harmonic state using and consistent vibration. All of the vowels create Coherent Vibrations. Also, all of the common Sound Healing instruments also create Consistent Tones - including crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, didgeridoos, etc.

More importantly, every single part of the body is also "humming" at its own natural frequency when it is healthy (down to every cell). No higher, no lower. With tone generators and other electronics you can get very specific in order to entrain a part of the body into its natural healthy frequency.

The key is to find the frequency of every part of the body in order to be able to entrain it into its own healthy state.

Harmony - Harmonic Relationships between 2 or more Body Parts -
In the body, it is the relationship between parts of a system. Again, everything is vibration, so any two parts of the body create a musical interval relationship. It might be the relationship between the overall frequency of the heart and the liver. It might be the relationship between the 210 types of cells in the body. It might be the relationship between the different parts of the brain. When you have harmonious relationships in the body, the energy flows more smoothly through the whole system.

Since some of the natural frequencies of the body might be different from person to person , looking at harmony between the parts of the body. Every part of the body has its own frequency or "home note" that is vibrates at. Therefore, the relationship between the parts is a specific musical interval. For example, we assume that the musical interval relationship between the heart and the liver will be the same from person to person when both people are healthy. We assume that there are specific musical interval relationships between each of the 210 types of cells. The only thing that we know for sure about the body is that is in working in complete harmony when a person is healthy. Even when someone is not healthy most of the body is still working in harmony or the person would be dead.

As we collect data we will display a body on our website that will show the musical relationships of all the parts of any system in the body. These musical intervals may then be played back to resonate the parts of the body back into their natural harmony.

Music - Smooth Musical Flow through systems in the body. Smooth flow can be looked at from physical or energetic perspectives.

If you don't have smooth flow in the nervous system, you will be shaky. If you don't have smooth flow in the circulatory system, you could have a heart attack. No smooth flow in the digestive system and all types of problems happen. Without smooth flow in the brain you cannot focus. There are many things that can cause blockages in any system. Often it is physical or emotional toxins.

The key is then to resonate the system back into smooth flow.
"Smooth Flow" is the whole deal.
Smooth Flow creates at Peaceful State of Being.
When our system is at Peace the immune system flourishes and every organ goes into alignment.
Therefore, the function of breaking up chaotic frequencies and resonating any single part of the body into coherence, is so that it can now receive and transmit flow through the whole system.
The function of resonating harmonic relationships between parts of the body is so that the natural healing smooth flow of health may resume in the body.

Research Based on the Hierarchy of Vibration

The key to good and efficient research is the basis of the theoretical framework that the research is derived from. So much research is based on a limited perspective of how everything works.
The hierarchy of vibration leads us to more of a systems approach to health in the body. We all know that the main problem with traditional medicine is that it often (not always) looks at different parts of the body from a Newtonian perspective of the body - like a machine with separate parts - without looking at the relationship to other parts of the body, or how they contribute to the flow through the 11 systems in the body, or the overall flow through the whole body.
Even more important is the relationship between the physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual parts of our system. There are so many possible relationships between these four areas.
Particularly when we are research sound and vibration, there are just so many possibilities that the scope of the research can be daunting. For example, there are 20,000 frequencies (not even counting decimal points). There are a million sound timbres. And there are gazillion possibilities for musical flow. To test everything could take forever.
When we realize that "smooth flow" is the whole deal, we can then narrow the focus significantly.
However, for the research to be complete we must look at all of the components of the flow - the coherence of the frequencies and the harmony of the musical interval relationships. We then use a holistic perspective where we look at the trees and the forest at the same time - the parts and the whole.

The detail of the research is then about mapping all the parameters of "smooth flow".
It is like we are using the components of music theory to understand, and ultimately diagnose and treat any issue.
From this perspective, when we look at how the brain functions, for example, we now have a much clearer framework on how to look at not only the functioning of the brain.
We can look for the coherent frequencies (and rhythms) to resonate a part of the brain into its natural coherent vibrational state. We then look at the "musical interval" relationships between the parts of the brain in order to get the parts back in harmony.
Then more importantly, we look for the quality of flow through all of the brain's parts.
Most importantly, we then examine how that flow interacts with the rest of the body - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
The vibrational remedy for the brain might be a very specific rhythm, melody and chord progression, with very specific timbres of sounds tuned to specific frequencies.
It might also include emotional flow. For example, gratitude, compassion, love and joy are excellent examples of emotions that create smooth flow
This framework of the hierarchy of vibration provides a critical perspective on exactly how it all works.

Even if we are using vitamins, minerals, electrons, or even pharmaceuticals this overall framework applies as the basis of understanding what is going on and what we are applying. In the end...

Everything is Vibration
The hierarchy of vibration provides a little more detail.
So now the question is - when you look at each of the systems in the body - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually - what is the best way to approach the system? We know that quality of the flow is the most important. However, perhaps different parts of the body systems need more focus on frequency, timbre, and musical interval relationships. Or is it always a perfect combination of all of these components including flow?
So now the research is all about "how to research."

More importantly, it is truly about "the structure of Living Systems" at all levels. From a healthy ecosystem to a healthy human system.

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