April 12, 2023 - April 15, 2023
Semtember 10, 2023 - Semtember 20, 2023

An all-embracing awareness arises from within and takes over when one sits silently and does nothing; no effort, no choice, no doing - just being. Vipassana Meditation is a precious time to simply sit and shift the attention from the world to one's inner nature - awareness. Vipassana is not 'doing' it is allowing. Quieting the mind allows one's silent nature to surface. The result is resting into an awakened silence.

As a device to observe the mind, the attention is shifted to the flow of one's breath. If a distraction occurs, it is observed, not pushed away - only to return to the underlying stillness. There is no need to 'do' anything. the watching is not an activity- Vipassana is merely connecting to this ever-present quality of awareness. The work is the intention and the stillness. The rest happens on its own.

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