Yoga in Moksham is an essential part of village life. The oxygen-rich Eastern Ghats forest environment along with high-vibe, organic, superfood nutrition support the physical aspect of the yoga journey, while the meditative atmosphere, which is the foundation of this community, allows to deeply explore yoga's healing facets.

With the support of ceremony, emotional awareness workshops, daily silent sitting, and other healing processes, a complete and unique experience of yoga is created, tapping into its transformative potential. Whether participating in a specific yoga retreat or attending the daily classes, the presence of silence and transformation lies in the foundation of every practice.

A unique, non-dogmatic approach to yoga has developed in Moksham, inspired by the new generation of teachers currently leading the evolution of this ancient science. Some of the paths and traditions explored in Moksham include Yin, Restorative, Vinyasa, Inversion, and Calligraphy Yoga.

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