local and regional capacity building through global collaboration and exchange

If we want to co-create a future worth living, all of humanity will have to learn to collaborate. We need to come together in all our wonderful diversity as one Regeneration facing our common challenge: to re-design our human presence on Earth in accordance with our place in the family of things.

From social entrepreneurs to design and planning professionals, intentional community initiatives, educators, social workers, comparativists, people in a phase of reorientation or students on a gap year, many of have agreed that consciously to live a sustainable lifestyle had a transformative impact on their lives. Educating the Regeneration is about transcending specialization and helping everyone to appreciate that we all have a part to play in the transition ahead. What participants learn from each other and through collaboration has equal importance to the curriculum itself.

Moksham has some future plans to provide more opportunities for Individuals and organizations , whether by giving greater visibility to the project or by directly sending resources like setting up eco village , conduct retreats , nature conservation, healing therapies ,plant based healing therapy (ayahuasca / Psilocybin), trainings and programs.

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