Welcome to our Q&A page. Please scroll down to find information about electricity, internet, currency, climate, items to bring and more.

  1. What is the recommended length of stay in Moksham?
  2. A visit to Moksham is a rich experience to digest. A minimum stay of one week is required in order to help you get oriented and experience the essence of the village. Shorter stays are possible if participating in a workshop, as this will also help to integrate into the spirit of Moksham.

  3. Can I come for a short visit?
  4. In order to allow our guests to dive deeper into the Moksham experience, a minimum stay of one week is required. Unless you are booking a specific workshop or retreat, please plan to stay in Moksham for at least one week. Work Exchange participants are required to stay for a minimum one month commitment.

  5. What do I need to bring?
  6. Please remember Moksham is an eco community, committed to minimizing its impact on the environment. Please bring only 100% natural and biodegradable products for hygiene and personal care. This includes soap, shampoo, shaving cream, dental hygiene products, deodorants, insect repellent and so on. Make sure to bring a refillable water bottle and reusable shopping bags. You will need a good flashlight- please bring one that doesn't use batteries, otherwise use only rechargeable batteries. It is advised to bring comfortable clothes for yoga and meditations, a yoga mat, sandals with a good grip and some warmer clothes for chilly evenings. One white outfit and some 'stylish' clothes for events are also recommended. Moksham provides bedding for casitas and tree house but bring your own towels for showers.

  7. What should I not bring?
  8. Moksham is taking major steps towards zero impact and a no-waste policy. Therefore, we ask that you not bring disposable plastic containers, plastic water bottles, plastic bags, industrial/individually wrapped snacks & tetra packs. Our water is excellent drinking quality (see below) so no need for bottled water. Please use common sense and remember recycling is the last resort (and limited in this region).

  9. Do you offer camping?
  10. No

  11. What kind of electricity is there in Mokham?
  12. As we are living in the remote forest area we don't have any electric connection but we are in the process to install 5KV solar panel also we do have some backup to operate basic elctrical appliances.

  13. Can I use my cell phone?
  14. It depends on your cell phone whether you can use it here or not. If you have roaming capabilities you will most likely be able to connect with the Jio cellular network.There are two network service provider which are actively operated in this region (i.e., Jio and BSNL).

  15. Does Moksham have internet / wi-fi?
  16. No

  17. Do you offer a laundry service in the Village?
  18. No

  19. Is there a shop in Moksham?
  20. The Jungle Shop sells 100% organic fruits and vegetables as well as non-perishable items, toiletries, health foods and everything else necessary for your stay in Moksham.

  21. What is the nearest town to Moksham?
  22. Tumuli Bandha is the nearest town to Moksham which 10 minutes away by road. It has a small market, banks, a post office, restaurants, public medical aid and several transportation companies. It is a small town with several mini eating hubs and a big market.

  23. What kind of food is served in the Moksham restaurant?
  24. Moksham Cafe offers three fresh organic meals a day. In addition, we are offering fresh juices, smoothies, mini-meals and a variety of delicious dessert.

  25. Is the water safe to drink?
  26. Yes, the water in Moksham is 100% safe to drink. We filter the underground water and monitor the quality of the water closely.Remember to bring a bottle you can refill and carry with you. If you forget your bottle, the Jungle Shop has them available.

  27. What is the weather like?
  28. Moksham is situated in the central part of Odisha (sub-tropical forest). It has a sub-tropical hot and dry climate in summer. Dry and cold climate in winter. The maximum temperature recorded in this zone is 34.5 degree C and minimum temperature is 1.0 degree C. The average annual rainfall recorded is 1522.95 mm.

  29. Can I drive a car in the rainy season in Moksham?
  30. Yes, but it is strongly advised to use a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

  31. Can I participate in a Silent Retreat when I come with my child?
  32. During the Retreats, Moksham is in silence. All public areas in the Village are silent zones and no children activities are planned for this time. If you are a couple, one of you may participate, but as a single parent this would not be possible. Besides requiring you remain in complete silence, the retreat consists of a full-time schedule.

  33. How much luggage can I bring to Moksham?
  34. As much as you are comfortable carrying around. There is no luggage carrying service in Moksham - although we are glad to help. Please note that the terrain is hilly and depending on the season, sometimes muddy, so pack only what you need. To lighten your load, you may choose to leave some of your items in a locker downtown.

  35. What kind of animals should I expect to encounter in the Village? Are they dangerous?
  36. The forest near Moksham is home to over several species of birds, Wild Boar, Barking Deer, Peafown , Percupines, Squirrels, Bats and more. You may encounter scorpions on occasion - they are not venomous or dangerous. If you are lucky you may spot a snake. Nature here is not aggressive, and the Village has been living in harmony with it for many years.

  37. Who owns and runs Moksham?
  38. Moksham is actually not owned by anyone. It is a not-for-profit project created by a group of gypsy souls who came together to make an alternative, tailor-made lifestyle. All of the proceeds are reinvested in Moksham's maintenance and development.

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