This workshop is about diving into one's inner landscape through moving wildly and consciously, using different self-exploration techniques to finally rest in the space of stillness and silence.

Throughout generations, dance has been used as a natural way of healing. This group uses dance and ecstatic movement to release old patterns that stand in the way of connecting with the innocent inner child who once moved freely.

The use of different conscious breathing techniques influence movement and allow participants to drop into the body and the present moment as it is, offering support to feel fully alive and energized.

By clearing these layers of conditioning and repression, freeing the breath and being in the body, one can rest into the core of their being.

In times when "doing" seems to be endless... The practice of Yin and Restorative Yoga is the counter cultural practice of being; a reminder to slow down, receive support, soften the body and mind, and surrender to the moment as it is.

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