July 9, 2023 - July 11, 2023

In this three-days workshop, participants receive cutting-edge, after-cleanse nutritional advice on how to upgrade eating habits, stay energized and focused throughout the day and maintain a clean body.

It's Good for You is an invitation to spend time with our Moksham co-therapists in an introductory talk about super-foods - what they are, why they are important, their benefits and how to integrate them into everyday life through hands-on instruction of delicious high vibe recipes.

Among the recipes prepared and sampled in the class are: chocolates, smoothies, nut milk, cooling aloe vera lemonade, elixirs and salty options such as raw crackers. One highlight of every class is teaching how easy and delightful it is to make raw chocolate truffles and bars. Guilty chocolate indulgences can be transformed into a creative flow that supports health and satisfies the sweet tooth through a simple instruction that can easily be duplicated at home.

This after-cleanse class is for anyone who is looking to upgrade their kitchen with superfoods and high-vibe dishes as well as suggestions for alternatives to unhealthy foods that might be harming their health. It is especially recommended for those who recently finished the Body Cleanse program.

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