March 16, 2023 - March 16, 2023

Herbal Purification 1 day workshop, igniting purification, rejuvenation and alignment of body & soul through the synergetic effect of a steam tent, light detox, medicinal plants and invigorating movement.

This work is an invitation and a doorway to discover, experience and reconnect with the healing power of the natural world, through the plant kingdom.

The workshop combines the elements of:

  • Steam tent - twice a day, morning & afternoon
  • Tinctures and microdoses of herbal medicine
  • Sharing the wisdom of medicinal herbs and how to use them
  • Juices, smoothies and special teas - light menu included as part of the program
  • Movement - yoga, free flow dance
  • Invigorating breath practice


The steam tent rests in a lush forest setting, surrounded by native plants. Upon entering the tent, participants are invited to sit or lie down and receive the steam created from a small pot on a stove, filled with medicinal herbs and leaves.

This tent is an oasis of healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation. By sitting on the earth in a serene garden, a natural purification can occur, bringing relief through the medicine of water, fire, and plants harvested from the forest surrounds.

The healing benefits of steam on the mind and body are well documented, and have been experienced in cultures across the world for centuries


  • Detoxification - softens the cell walls and allows intoxicants to flush through and out of the system and promoting healing; steam is one of the only natural ways to remove heavy metals (such as mercury) built up in the body
  • Increase in Circulation - increasing circulation gives the heart a moment to rest, moving the blood through the system without increased stress or requirement from the heart; it also helps to regulate blood pressure
  • Respiratory Regeneration - brings more oxygen to the body, and humidity nourishes lung wall tissue; it also provides ongoing relief from symptoms of allergies or asthma
  • Immune System Boost - increases white blood cells, which fight infections or diseases
  • Stress Relief - shown to balance the autonomic nervous system, which regulates body systems and is responsible for stress responses in the body; releases trauma stored in the body from past experiences and injuries
  • Anti-Aging - by softening the skin, clearing the pores, and detoxifying the organs, revitalization occurs, leading to looking and feeling more youthful
  • Mood Boost - increases endorphins and serotonin (the "happy hormones") by up to 40%, relieving symptoms of depression
  • Pain Relief - relieves muscle and joint soreness


Microdosing is a rising practice in the world of medicine, involving taking very small doses of certain specific medicinal plants.

By definition microdose do not cause any intoxication or significant alteration of consciousness.

However, these small measured doses are gaining more and more research, evidence and popularity. People experiencing it claim it benefits the mind, making them think more clearly or feel more open throughout the day.

The intention of using those is to support self well being, support facilitating a desired change, and waking up the self healing potential.


The workshop offers the body an opportunity for a light detox also through being on a menu of juices, smoothie and cleansing herbal teas. The menu will be light - in order to keep the body available for the more subtle frequencies of the work, yet deeply nourishing.

The menu will include local super herbs and super foods to enhance nutritional values and maximize the support for our bodies.


An intrinsic part of coming into deeper connection with the body and ground will be an offering of daily movement practices - Hatha yoga flow and free flow, 5 rhythms based dances. These practices are typically offered before entering the steam tent - as a way to accelerate the heart beat, enhance blood flow and lymph flow, and deepen the availability of the body to rip the benefits of the steam tent.

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