Based on traditional Zen techniques, this awareness intensive seeks to nurture a direct experience with the truth of one's being. The repeated use of the Zen koan "Who is in?" serves as an arrow, piercing through the layers of the mind. It exposes identification with the false personality, rigid beliefs, and preconceived ideas. It sheds old layers and reveals an expanded state of consciousness, eventually inviting a reconnection to the source. Participants seek a direct experience of the truth of their being and in this inquiry, one is able to pass through and beyond ideas, ideals, conditionings, problems, games, and identities. Using the Koan "Who Is In?" as a tool to return to the source inside.

A powerful and challenging tool encouraging a fresh experience of the essence of one's being.

The "Who is In?" is a path of self inquiry that serves to open the space to dive deeply into the Silent Retreat and is a requirement for Retreat participants.

As part of the structure, all participants sleep in the group room.

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